November 15, 16*, 21,22, 23, 30, Dec. 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 @ 7:30pm
November 17, 24**, December 1††, 8, 15 @ 2pm
*denotes PAY-WHAT-YOU-WISH performance
†denotes scheduled U/S performance
**denotes talk back performance
†† denotes captioned performance
Directed by: Bob Ives
The story, set in 1625, begins with D’Artagnan, who sets off for Paris in search of adventure. Along with D’Artagnan goes Sabine, his sister, the quintessential tomboy. Sent with D’Artagnan to attend a convent school in Paris, she poses as a young man - D’Artagnan’s servant - and quickly becomes entangled in her brother’s adventures. Soon after reaching Paris, D’Artagnan encounters the greatest heroes of the day - Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, the famous musketeers - and he joins forces with his heroes to defend the honor of the Queen of France. In so doing, he finds himself in opposition to the most dangerous man in Europe, Cardinal Richelieu. Even more deadly is the infamous Countess de Winter, known as Milady, who will stop at nothing to exact revenge on the D’Artagnan - and Sabine - for their meddlesome behavior. Little does Milady know that the young girl she scorns, Sabine, will ultimately save the day.
Asst. Direction: Liliana Abel-Suarez
Stage Manager: Alexis Moffit
Asst. Stage Manager: Alexis Huckaby
Scenic Designer: Willow Watson
Fight Designer: TBA
Props, Sound, Asst. Fight Designer: Chad Sweet
Lighting Designer: Melina Frogget
Accent & Dialect Coach: Rosie Brownlow-Calkin
Intimacy Director: Thomas Rao
Fight Choreographer: Kevin Michael
Costume Design: Gene Brown
Costume Asst.: Moira Bengochea
Dramaturg: Luis Galvez
Why "Ken Ludwig's The Three Musketeers?"- a statement from the Artistic Leadership Committee
"Our audiences sure do love Ken Ludwig! What we love about this show - especially post-election - is that it’s a story about UNITY and standing up to what’s wrong. All for one & one for all! This show is fast-paced, physical, fun, and shows our audiences something they haven’t seen from us on this stage in a significant capacity - swashbuckling!"
“Ken Ludwig's The Three Musketeers” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.