The 24 Hour Plays-
Produce Your Own!
The 24 Hr. Plays-Produce Your Own!
By 24 Hour Plays
Come see plays that didn't exist yesterday: written, rehearsed, and performed in 24 hours!
Preparation begins:
June 13 at 7:30 pm
June 14 at 7:30 pm
(Livestream available for those that cannont attend in person.)

Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (
The 24-Hour Plays
The 6th Annual 24-hour play festival is happening this June at the Reno Little Theater. This is an exciting experience unlike anything happening in the Reno theatre scene this year! The 24-Hour Plays: Reno is a play festival where four 10-minute plays will be written, rehearsed, and performed all within 24 hours.
Are you interested in participating in theatre with a short time commitment? This is your chance! We are looking for playwrights, directors, actors, and stage managers to get involved. The process begins the evening of Friday, March 22nd with the performance happening the following night, Saturday, March 23rd, at 7:30 PM.
The 24 Hour Plays: Produce Your Own- Reno Call for Artists
The 5th Annual 24-hour play festival is happening this March at the Reno Little Theater. This is an exciting experience unlike anything happening in the Reno theatre scene this year! The 24 Hour Plays: Produce Your Own- Reno is a play festival where four 10-minute plays will be written, rehearsed, and performed all within 24 hours.
Are you interested in participating in theatre with a short time commitment? This is your chance! We are looking for playwrights, directors, actors, and stage managers to get involved. The process begins the evening of Friday, March 22nd with the performance happening the following night, Saturday, March 23rd , at 7:30 PM.
Here is the breakdown of commitment for each specific role:
Playwrights: Attend the Meet & Greet meeting on Friday, March 22 at 7:30 PM. After this meeting, you and your fellow writers divide up the actors. Yes, you get to make the casting choices! Then you stay at RLT overnight and have until 6 AM to get a 10-minute play written. After that, go home, sleep, and come see the plays at 7:30 PM on Saturday, March 23.
Directors: Attend the Meet & Greet meeting on Friday, March 22 at 7:30 PM. Once the meeting is over, go home and rest because you are back at 6:30 AM on Saturday, March 23. You’ll read the plays and discuss with your fellow directors who will direct each play. Yes, the directors decide the play they want to direct! Your actors will arrive at 8:00 AM. You’ll rehearse throughout the day, and the curtain is at 7:30 PM that evening. You will be able to watch the performances from the house.
Actors: Attend the Meet & Greet meeting on Friday, March 22 at 7:30 PM. Your introduction is an audition of sorts. This is a way to show off your skills to the playwrights so they can get inspiration about what to write. You will be cast in exactly 1 play no matter what. The meeting will end around 9 PM. Enjoy your night. You’re back at 8 AM on Saturday, March 23. You’ll rehearse throughout the day and perform beginning at 7:30 PM.
Stage Managers: Attend the Stage Manager meeting that will happen before the Meet & Greet at 6:30 PM. Your role starts immediately afterwards helping to get the other artists checked in. Once the Meet & Greet ends, enjoy your night. On Saturday, you return at 7:30 AM and find out which play you will be working on. You’ll manage rehearsals throughout the day, giving breaks and communicating with the production team. Then the show happens at 7:30 PM.
Please indicate all possible roles you might be interested in. This is an exciting chance to try something new! Meals will be provided throughout the day so you can focus on the work.